The Best Ways and Times to Weigh

In the pursuit for wellness and staying fit there are basic questions on how to do this properly. I think the first thing that I should do now is to know my present weight. This is bad because I never had a chance to know my actual weight before I started on my diet scheme. I could have a bath scale but I don’t think that one is accurate. Back then when I was working on a health care facility I would weigh in everyday, not just once but three times a day: the moment I came in the clinic; after lunch and before going home. As far as I could remember my weigh would range from 110 lbs. to 115 lbs. According to weight watchers it is not recommended that we should weigh in everyday. The most ideal is to weigh in once a week or even once a month so we could monitor the weight lost properly and would not be discourage or obsessed if there are minimal improvement. Weigh loss would not be possible on a one day only. For women hormonal change often leads to weight loss or w...