
Showing posts from June, 2011

The Best Ways and Times to Weigh

In the pursuit for wellness and staying fit there are basic questions on how to do this properly.   I think the first thing that I should do now is to know my present weight. This is bad because I never had a chance to know my actual weight before I started on my diet scheme.   I could have a bath scale but I don’t think that one is accurate. Back then when I was working on a health care facility I would weigh in everyday, not just once but three times a day: the moment I came in the clinic; after lunch and before going home.   As far as I could remember my weigh would range from 110 lbs. to 115 lbs. According to weight watchers it is not recommended that we should weigh in everyday. The most ideal is to weigh in once a week or even once a month so we could monitor the weight lost properly and would not be discourage or obsessed if there are minimal improvement. Weigh loss would not be possible on a one day only. For women hormonal change often leads to weight loss or weight gain. Th

On My Staying Healthy List

Mentioning about this staying healthy list does not mean that this is on my top list (I am still on defensive mode). Some young people do not value the benefit of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. I once belonged to this group of populace. As a health care provider I was very certain on what to do and that I can recognize any disease or disorder that could inflict me or anyone in the family. So I couldn’t care much on the variety of food I eat or if I sit on my booty or lie down for a day or two. Now, my views had changed. I decided to change gradually starting with my healthier food choices and routine physical activities.   I am starting to jog which I really hated before. I hated the idea of running basically because I considered my self clumsy. I am afraid that I would step on my own foot or just stumble. Second I don’t like the idea of shaking my anatomical areas when I ran. Third, I may grasp for air, I love to maintain my constant O2 (oxygen) supply.   My fear of hype

Mary's List

It did not came to me that starting on my blog would take me around 3-4 days to start. I was enthusiastic about the idea at first. Then I suddenly had a brain drain on what topic to write and go about. Well,  I once had a website under the Yahoo Geo-cities some years ago (like uh...10 years ago?) and I was not aware that it was  already gone and I did not get the chance to save my pictures and documents on that. Most of my writings consisted of poetry in Filipino language and some of the things and adventures I did. And, to add on this I have some accounts on social networking sites and journals. So to start on this blogging quest let me start on what I am thinking about or perhaps on what I am planing ... I have a lot ideas on my mind. Yeah actually, I have but the only thing is I want this ideas to be "organized ideas" and not just "dumb ideas". Some ideas goes like this: I have a checklist, a mind checklist on what things I want to do. It is too morbid for