For the Love of Tofu

Me and my family love Tofu. We adopted him a long time ago. Wait, Tofu? not a pet, another human nor an imaginary friend, but yes, a great part of our family. A week without tofu is like some weird circumstances on twilight zone. Its like we had stepped in to another dimension and missed a great part of our life. Am I exaggerating now? Yes, I am. A tofu addiction I may say.
When I was younger, the first and only tofu recipe that I knew was our old time Pinoy (Filipino) recipe "tokwa't baboy". At my young age I thought it was some gross exotic food,  the sauteed pigs ears and the oozing weird black beans. How can you eat such thing when pigs don't clean their ears! Oh gross! That was my way of thinking. Only kid with strong heart and weird appetite could stand to eat such thing. It was a good thing, an aunt of mine introduced me to some other way to cook tofu. She had a way of cooking that she made me eat ampalaya (bitter gourd) and other greenery that I thought only cows and goats can eat.
There are so many benefits of eating tofu, health wise and money wise. It has a versatile appeal to the taste-buds. Tofu or what we call tokwa is widely available in the market and grocery. If you would like to know more on the health benefit you can visit the other sites such as There are a lot of tofu recipe over the net and here are some ways and recipe that I would like to share. Some of this recipes are just experiments in which I made with the available ingredients at home and easy to grab ingredients at the grocery.  

Sisig Tofu:

2 blocks of japanese/ firm tofu, diced
japanese breading
black pepper
calamansi (lemon juice)
soy sauce
jalapeno (siling haba), chili pepper or bell pepper (kid friendly)

Coat the diced tofu with japanese breading and a bit of salt and pepper. Fry till crispy golden brown.
In another pan saute onion, ginger, chili pepper and add in the diced tofu. You can add in more breading if you want it to be more crunchy. In another saucepan, mix in the soy sauce, lemon juice, a teaspoon of cornstarch then mix it in the tofu when thick. You can place and serve the sisig now on a hot plate and add in egg/s. You can add more chili and calamansi to taste.

*now here's another easier version:

If you are in a hurry you can buy this easy to cook Mama Sita pre mix sisig flavor in the grocery which for me is equally yummy. Just fry the tofu and add in the mixture and your all done.

Some other tofu recipes for the not so carnivorous people coming soon...


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