
Showing posts from 2013

The Bloggeroid

Testing Bloggeroid on Note3 with images. posted from Bloggeroid


My new Samsung Note3 experience is on its day 3 . I want to continue blogging on mobile. Not that I'm always on the go, but with my little Roxy in between me and the laptop, it is impossible for me even to begin typing my log in details. My blog site is Blogger, yah this one. As I can recall I started my blog more than two years ago. I wondered why I cannot find the BLOGGER APP in my Play Store so I decided just to Google searched it. Then I saw it, open it on Play Store and my eyes rolled when I read "This app is not available in your country." What did I do after? I began complaining to myself and to my Hub. GRRR! I dont even want to search for any info to know the story behind it. I was very disappointed. Imagine this phone' s OS is under Google (Android) and as far as I know Blogger is under Google, isnt it? Anybody know the story behind? Comment please and make me understand. Explain this phenomenon. As of now Im too lazy to look for it. I rather complai

Mary's Make Up Evolution

Make up was never my thing. I was and still is a late bloomer as compared to the younger generation.Watching Youtube almost everyday, I was quite surprise that expert make-up tutorials were made by kids as young as eleven or twelve. Recently, I watched Talia Joy Castellano (RIP pretty girl!) in her Youtube videos < > and I was quite fascinated by her love of make up and making tutorials. Never did I saw her with a trace of sickness, what I see is a happy lovely girl with a contagious smile. I guess she is now an inspiration to all kids and teen out there and no exception, to me as well. She opened my mind that art and expression is not just limited on canvasses.                                                                     I once was a little girl whom secretly tried-on mommy's lipsticks and make up kit when she was not around. I was one of the girls who made sure to pick red lollipop from garapon (candy jar) and bought thos

My Roxy's List (1st Birthday)

My little Bachuchay's(Roxy, hehe!) birthday is coming in a few weeks and I cannot stop thinking about it. I got a little capacity to do things because of my very active bebe. I have been working most of the things out let me say uh, inside my head. I am done with 4 things; with the E-invitations, venue, J's Nature Garden Resort in Las Pinas  and some party props. As you can see, we will be having a pool party. I wanted to have a Hawaiian-themed birthday and I am trying to make it possible. It is also good to know that our friend Anne dela Cruz will be helping us to host this li'l party. As of now, we are still brain-storming on the menu list. We will probably have a lot of grilled food. I hope to post again for some other additional "List." '